
Welcome to Learning Commons for the Elementary Campus

The Elementary Learning Commons is an energizing hub of activity at Westmount Charter School’s Elementary Campus! 

Each week, all 20 classes visit the Learning Commons to use educational technology to enrich learning. Lessons focus on a variety of technology concepts and skills such an online safety, digital citizenship, computational thinking, robotics and coding.  Students will also learn library fundamentals and have book exchange time. Kindergarten and grade one students may borrow one book each week, grade 2 students may borrow 2 books and grade three and four students can borrow up to three books per week.

To further enhance learning, the LC offers bookable time to support technology integration with classroom activities and projects.Teachers areinvited to borrow the technology to further implement in classroom.

The Learning Commons also hosts monthly book club events, author visits, virtual field trips and the Scholastic Book Fair.

General Information

All K-4 classes have a weekly book exchange in the Learning Commons.  Books are signed out for a two week period. Students may return their books the following week to check out new ones, or keep them for the second week if they are still reading them. If students finish books prior to their book exchange class they can exchange their books during a BRR block.

To help keep the books in good condition and to minimize the number of lost books, we suggest:

  • Creating a place at home for your child’s Westmount Charter School Learning Commons book to be placed when it is not being read.
  • Double check books before returning them to the Calgary Public Library.  On a regular basis,  our books are accidentally returned to the CPL, which delays a student borrowing books.
  • On the day before their LC visit, please have your child place their LC book into their backpack when they take out their empty lunch bag/box.  This routine will help eliminate forgotten books.

Please note that families are responsible for financial reimbursement of any borrowed items that are lost or returned damaged. Books are considered lost if they have been outstanding for more than four weeks. Notices will be provided with details and replacement cost.




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Elementary Campus
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